Dream 2 hwæt (Grein): MS reads "hæt".

Dream 4 syllicre: probably an absolute use of the comparative—translate "very wondrous".

Dream 9 engel dryhtnes: a reference to Christ, who was in common medieval interpretation the "magni consilii angelus" (angel of great counsel) of Isaiah 9:6 and the introit to the Christmas Day mass which uses that verse (see McGillivray, "Dream of the Rood 9–12 and the Christmas Liturgy," Notes and Queries 250 [2005]: 1–2).

Dream 9–10 ealle fægere þurh forðgesceaft: "all those fair through their creation", presumably the heavenly hosts.

Dream 17 wealdendes (Dietrich): MS reads "wealdes", which is defended and retained by Swanton since it "might mean either 'forest' . . . or 'power', either of which would be poetically meaningful", although this results in a three-syllable line. Grein and Wüulker both print "wealdes".

Dream 19 earmra ærgewin: "(the evidence of) the previous combat of the miserable ones", that is, the attacks of Christ's enemies at the crucifixion, including particularly here the piercing of his side by the Roman soldier (alluded to in line 20).

Dream 20 sorgum (Grein): MS reads "surgum".

Dream 59 sorgum (Grein): not in MS, but stands in the corresponding verse of the Ruthwell cross lines. See also line 20.

Dream 70 greotende (Grein): MS reads "reotende". Swanton argues for "restoration of the synonym hreotende (as by Bouterwek)" but I have so far been unable to locate evidence of the existence of such a synonym.

Dream 71 stefn (Kluge): not in MS.

Dream 75–76 dryhtnes . . . freondas: a reference to the discovery of the True Cross by St. Helena, mother of Constantine the Great.

Dream 76: A half-line is apparently missing at this point.

Dream 77 gyredon me: Krapp, following Grein, adds "ond" at the beginning of this line for metrical reasons.

Dream 91 holtwudu (Kemble): MS reads "holmwudu", but no satisfactory explanation of this has been arrived at by critics (the first element should mean "water, ocean; island", or, Swanton proposes, "hill").

Dream 117 anforht (Grein, Germania 10 [1865]: 425): MS reads "unforht", no doubt by memorial contamination from line 110. Swanton would retain "unforht" here, understanding "un-" as an intensifying prefix, which it certainly can be for words with negative connotation. But the "[w]ord-play" he suggests could surely not have involved the poet's expectation that a reading or hearing audience should develop for this one occasion an innovative understanding ("badly frightened") of what was apparently quite a common word meaning "resolute, brave".

Dream 127 ic: added above interlinearly.

Dream 142 me (Bouterwek): MS reads "he", which is just possible and retained by Swanton following Grein ("me" then having to be understood); more likely this line should parallel 139a.

Dream 150 on þam siðfate: i.e. the Harrowing of Hell. "Those who suffered burning there" are the Old Testament patriarchs and matriarchs.